Pole Dance
Pole Dance World Champion 2014
From a very young age, Alexandra discovered dance and enjoyed it. Accompanied by her twin sister Bridget, she took classical and then modern jazz classes and learned to express herself through her art, to externalize her joys and sorrows while gaining self-confidence. A true enthusiast, she joined a professional school at the age of 18 to follow a training course leading to the State Diploma of Jazz Teacher.
Between the classes she gives and the shows she takes part in, she discovers pole dancing while watching a video. The idea of creating a show with a pole and her experience as a dancer germinates in her mind. She trains thanks to a few classes with big names in the industry but also alone, through perseverance. A true revelation, she invests herself body and soul in the practice of pole.
In 2009, she trained in Pole dancing, taking her sister with her. It was during this training that she met Amandine, with whom she created the Spin or Tricks studio in 2012.
With her experience as a dancer and an incredible will, she waited barely two years before starting to compete. First in France, where she won a few titles, then in London in 2014, where Alexandra competed in the world championships. After only 5 years of practice and many hours of hard work, she distinguished herself by winning the gold medal in the Masters 40+ category!
Today, she is the first and only French woman to have won a world champion medal in this discipline. She is also the one who trained most of the pole dance teachers in the region, particularly thanks to the teaching training she created with Spin or Tricks.
Aerial Hoop / Burlesque
"You have to have been a dancer all your life to get into pole dancing" no, no and no! Forget this preconceived idea, you don't need to be into dance and sports in general since childhood to get into pole dancing. Amandine is precisely this teacher who wasn't a big fan of sports when she was young and yet, with work, motivation and perseverance she is now a pole dance, burlesque, aerial hoop teacher... When you see her spinning and twirling, you would swear she has been doing this all her life.
What attracted her to pole dancing was above all the feminine, sexy, sensual, fluid side... She discovered the discipline at a trade show, but no classes existed in Lyon at the time. So she decided to train on her own. In 2009, finally a course in Lyon! Amandine went there, and became friends with other students, including Alex and Bridget. The course continued with more advanced training because their teacher was then looking for "the next generation" to offer classes more regularly in Lyon.
In 2011, she started giving pole classes and discovered burlesque (Amandine's big favorite!). What she likes most about pole is the sexy side. And that's what burlesque is: sexy, sensual, femininity with a touch of humor!
A year later, she opened with Alexandra Gerland the first school dedicated to Pole dance in Lyon: the Spin or Tricks studio. They offer pole classes, flesh classes with Bridget Gerland, but also workshops on various themes (Burlesque, lap dance, etc.).
The same year, she trained in aerial hoop. A discipline taken from the circus for which she trained in order to become a teacher and offer the first hoop classes in Lyon in 2013. And since 2020, she has been training future hoop teachers!
Chair Dance / Yoga
Artiste dans l’âme, Bridget Gerland s’initie à la danse dès l’âge de 4 ans, accompagnée de sa sœur jumelle Alexandra. Du classique pour commencer, puis différents styles avec le temps (contemporain, jazz, cabaret…). A 14 ans à peine, les deux sœurs sortent une chanson et parcourent la France pour sa promotion. L’art de la scène coule dans leurs veines !
Durant son enfance, Bridget danse, chante, écrit des textes, compose… : elle évolue et grandi dans l’Art.
Adulte, que ce soit en duo, en groupe ou seule, elle monte sur scène pour chanter et danser crée des spectacles, des chorégraphies, donne des cours de chant, sort deux albums…
Elle s’intéresse à la respiration pour éviter les problèmes de voix sur scène puis, comme une évidence, le yoga entre dans sa vie petit à petit jusqu’à suivre une formation certifiante en 2019 pour être reconnue professeur de yoga (Hatha Yoga et Viniyoga).
En parallèle, elle suit sa sœur dans la pratique de la Pole Dance, rencontre Amandine par la même occasion et montent toutes les trois en 2012 le studios Spin or Tricks puis Chair Follies de son côté en 2016 avant de les faire fusionner en janvier 2020. Les deux studios ne font plus qu’un aujourd’hui !
Elle découvre la Chair Dance en 2010 et crée sa propre pédagogie, sa technique et son style chorégraphique autour de la chaise avant de monter son studio (le premier de France consacré à cette discipline !) : Chair Follies. Depuis 2020, elle propose également la seule formation à l’enseignement de la Chair dance en France !
Dance / Pole Dance
Née à Toronto au Canada, Marissa a effectué une formation de danse classique et contemporaine à l’École Nationale du Ballet du Canada où elle y a dansé pendant 6 ans avant de déménager en Europe. Elle a dansé dans des compagnies en Allemagne, en Belgique, en Suède et en France avec la compagnie du ballet de l’Opèra de Lyon @operadelyon
Marissa élargie ses compétences en enseignant la danse.
Puis Il y a 6 ans, Elle se forme comme instructeur certifié de Gyrotonic, discipline qui aide à s’assouplir et à rendre le corps plus fort grâce à des techniques conscientes et énergétiques.
Il y a 4 ans Marissa rencontre la Pole Dance en Suède lors de ces nombreux déplacements pour le travail. Très vite elle tombe amoureuse de cette discipline qu’elle voit très complémentaire de son métier de danseuse. Dès qu’elle le peut elle s‘entraîne peut importe où elle se trouve dans le monde.
Mais c’est chez @spinortricks lors de son contrat avec l’Opera de Lyon qu’elle commence à se former de manière régulière.
Aujourd’hui Marissa rejoint la Team des professeures de Spin Or Tricks et vous emmènera dans son univers de la danse pour vous initier à la barre à Terre, la danse classique et contemporaine mais avec une barre !
Aerial Hoop / Aerial Hammock
Attracted from a young age to modern jazz dance and gymnastics (twice UNSS departmental gymnastics champion in Hauts-de-Seine).
Magali discovered the Aerial Hoop in 2017. She then took regular classes at the circus and at Spin Or Tricks.
She decided to try her hand at everything by also taking lessons in Pole Dance, Chair Dance, Classical Dance & Cabaret.
In 2020 she decided to train in teaching Aerial Hoop with Spin Or Tricks with Amandine Védrine.
After a year and a half of training she becomes certified.
She followed this up with a Hamac and Trapeze Dance training with Sophie Granjon from Ovale Lune.
Magali has been doing various replacements within the studio since her certification and officially joins the Spin Or Tricks team for the 2022-2023 season.
Pole Dance
Gymnaste depuis 10 ans, je commence la pole dance à l’âge de 14 ans. Je découvre alors cette discipline avec petit club implanté dans un garage à Villeurbanne. Forte de mon expérience de gymnaste et dotée d’une très grande souplesse, je m’épanouie et la Pole Dance devient très vite ma passion. L’expérience dura un an et s’acheva avec ces paroles de mon professeur : « il faut absolument que tu rencontre Alexandra Gerland à Spin or tricks »
Me voilà alors inscrite chez Spin or Tricks à l’âge de 15 ans. A ce moment là, je pensais que cette école s’apparenterait à la salle de sport du garage de Villeurbanne que je connaissais et que les professeurs que j’allais y rencontrer m’aideraient simplement à progresser techniquement. Je ne m’attendais pas à rencontrer une équipe autant à l’écoute de ses élèves, dépassant largement la fonction de simple professeur de sport.
Je découvre alors, dans une salle splendide, une véritable famille, soudée et aimante.
Alexandra s’est avéré être une mère, toujours présente dans les bons comme les mauvais moments, et qui m’a permis de réaliser ma première compétition à 16 ans à l’issue de laquelle j’obtiens un podium.
Aujourd’hui, à 22 ans, je me rends compte de la chance que j’ai eu de découvrir ce club. Plus qu’un enseignement, j’ai pu bénéficier de l’expérience de personnes profondément humaines pour avancer dans le sport, comme dans la vie. J’ai trouvé à spin or tricks le soutien, l’aide et la force pour devenir la femme que je suis. Des amitiés sincères se sont créées dans cette école et des prouesses sportives se sont réalisées.
Plus question d’en partir, l’aventure continue pour moi là-bas !
Pole Dance / Exotic Dance Speaker
Béa discovered Pole Dance in 2011 at Spin Or Tricks during the very first classes given by Alexandra and Amandine.
She quickly became addicted to the discipline, working on technique, dance and the sexy side of the discipline in heels. One thing led to another and she also started Chair Dance with Bridget as soon as the studio opened, always with the aim of working on her sensuality.
In 2014, she left Lyon for Mulhouse where she continued to take classes and improve her skills.
In 2015, she began teaching at Studio Cocoon. She also had the opportunity to perform for various events including a cabaret with the famous Sugar Da Moore.
At the same time, she discovered Exotic Pole, which was beginning to spread outside Eastern countries with the queens of the discipline such as Olga Koda, whom she met during several Pole Camps.
Still addicted to the sexy side and working in heels, she specializes in this discipline and continues to train with the greatest.
She decided to take part in the 2017 edition of the Swiss Pole Theater competition in the classic semi-pro category, which she won hands down!
But Béa doesn't stop there. Always very conscientious and eager to learn and bring more to her students, she decides to follow Nadège Paineau's FCNP2 contortion training. Training aimed at balancing the body and emotion of each individual.
Or how to progress with your body by understanding emotional blockages and releasing them.
A real revelation for Elle.
Béa has been coming back to Lyon regularly for a year and is back home: Spin Or Tricks!
It was logical that she join the teaching team this year to bring you into her technical and Exotic universe with her solar energy and her kindness.
Intervenante Heels / Chair Dance
Due to her family and cultural background, Marie-Ange has been immersed in dance since she was little. Her mother, then an African dance teacher, introduced her to it and transmitted to her very early on the love of this Art "I was immersed in a small world where the shame of dancing in public, of moving in public did not exist because we do it for ourselves. It is an energy that transcends, that allows us to externalize our emotions, but above all it is an energy that brings us together. ". She also enrolled her in Modern Jazz and Classical classes in which Marie-Ange would evolve for 11 years. At the same time, she entered a music conservatory where she practiced classical percussion for 12 years. Although her studies forced her to stop music, dance would remain a common thread for her. She will be keen to acquire a very diverse choreographic culture by practicing different styles of dance: Reggaeton, Salsa, Rock, Contemporary and finally Pole Dance and Chair Dance at Spin or Tricks and Chair Follies.
The classes she takes with the different SpinOrTricks teachers enrich her approach to dance and her relationship with bodies. She particularly thrives in Chair Dance alongside Bridget Gerland who, after 4 years of practice, encourages her to follow the Chair Dance teacher training. In 2021, Marie-Ange obtained her Chair Dance by Bridget diploma and then began giving classes and creating workshops. In 2022, she decided to put dance at the center of her life and officially joined the ChairFollies/SpinOrTricks stable. Thanks to her background, Marie-Ange will transmit her energy to you in inclusive classes, punctuated by her musicality and dynamism.